Uncategorized Student Welfare Fund for students who have lost their parents or earning member in the family during the course. https://agi.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ProformaForCKN.pdfadminJune 2, 2021
Uncategorized Pharmacy Council of India Please go through this link and register yourself. https://dgpm.nic.in/3722/stud_registration.doadminJuly 9, 2022
Uncategorized कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) का कहर दुनियाभर में फैला हुआ है। इन दिनों सभी अखबारों या समाचार चैनलों में…adminJuly 9, 2022
Uncategorized COVID-19 Students and AGI family stands together to fight against COVID-19.There is a fear among millions today, and we…adminMarch 6, 2020